Saturday, September 23, 2017

Senegal Street Food - Fataya

<< Cap Skirring - ocean, sand and palm trees, old cars and dead fish [EN] Africani gusta mancare romaneasca. Episodul 1:Dulceata / Africans taste Romanian food. Episode 1: Jam >>

Fataya sunt probabil cele mai populare snack-uri din Senegal. De inspiratie libaneza, in esenta o fataya este aluat umplut cu un amestec de carne, ceapa, ardei iuti, piper si sos tomat, prajit in ulei. Carnea poate sa fie de pui, deoaie, de vita, sau de peste, in cazul acesta numindu-se pastel.

Desi se gaseste la aproape orice colt de strada, nu as numi-o chiar fast food, pentru ca prepararea are multe ingrediente si etape si dureaza destul de mult. 

Cu precadere seara, pe marginea drumului, apar o multime de femei cu cate o masuta, niste oale cu ingrediente si o mica soba care se apuca si le prepara chiar acolo. Fataya-le care sunt gata sa pun intr-o caserola mare de plastic sau intr-un lighean si isi asteapta clientii. Din drum se servesc negresit pe o foaie veche de ziar. Costa aproximativ 100 XOF bucata (70 bani).

Daca le luati de la un fast-food, sansele sunt sa fie mai scumpe dar si mai mari. In plus, vin cu un sos de ceapa si legume.

Pofta buna!

Fatayas are probably the most popular Senegalese snacks. Inspired from Lebanese cuisine, a fataya is essentially deep-fried  dough filled with a mix of meat, onion, hot peppers, pepper and tomato sauce. The meet can be beef, chicken, mutton or fish, the latter being called pastel.

Although you can find it on every street, I would not call it fast-food since making fatayas requires lots of ingredients and a lot of steps.

Usually in the evenings a lot of women pop out on the side of the street with their tables, pots of ingredients and charcoal stoves and start making them right there. The finished fatayas are stored in a plastic container and await their customers. You will always receive them in an old piece of newspaper. The cost is around 100 FCFA/piece (~15 E cents).

If you get them from a fast-food they will probably be bigger and more expensive, and they will aso give you an onion and vegetable sauce.


<< Cap Skirring - ocean, sand and palm trees, old cars and dead fish [EN]Africani gusta mancare romaneasca. Episodul 1:Dulceata / Africans taste Romanian food. Episode 1: Jam >>

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