Tuesday, July 18, 2017

Ferma cu crocodili din Djibelor/ The Djibelor Crocodile Farm

<< Ziguinchor, Senegal [EN] Vesnicele plaiuri ale vanatorii pentru taxiuri/ Senegal, where taxis come after dying >>
Da, e o ferma cu si de crocodili. Adica se inmultesc, cresc mari si ajung ori batrani...ori friptura + posete.

La aproximativ 5 km de Ziguinchor se afla o proprietate privata apartinand unui mosneag francez care pe vremuri se lauda cu multe specii de crocodili,  broaste testoase, soparle , serpi, pesti si pasari tropicale. Cica ar fi avut si un leu si cateva feline mari, dar au disparut pentru ca erau foarte periculoase. In total sute de animale. Atat de multe incat nu mai asteptau ora mese si se mai mancau intre ele. Dar asa-i in natura, chiar daca e privata :) De asemenea, exista un restaurant unde se serveau preparate din unele animale mentionate mai sus. As fi incercat, dar se pare ca este inchis pe perioada nedeterminata.

In realitate, tot ce a fost odata acum este in paragina. Din turma* de crocodili mai exista 2 mari si vreo 5-6 mici care isi duc veacul in niste tarcuri de sarma si beton. Ferma in sine este in stare avansata de degradare, insa este napadita de vegetatie, natura reintrandu-si in drepturi.
*vedeti in engleza mai jos denumirile interesante pentru "turma"

O plimbare prin ferma costa 1000 FCFA (aprox 6 lei), daca gasesti pe cineva acasa. Vizita nu este recomandata pentru cei mai speriosi sau care au fobie de reptile, pentru ca din cand in cand mai sar soparle de ~1 metru din copaci(!) si o iau la fuga prin iarba.
(poze mai jos)
Yes, it is a farm of and with crocodiles. Meaning they breed, grow up and grow old...or end up as steak + purses.

At approximately 5 kilometers from Zigunchor there is a large private property which belongs to an old Frenchman. Some time ago, it boasted many species of crocodiles, tortoises, lizards, snakes and tropical birds and fish. They even had a lion and some other big cats, but they disappeared because they were dangerous. Hundreds of animals in total. So many that they would sometime not wait for feeding time and just eat each other. But that's nature's way, even in a private property.
There was even a restaurant where they would serve dishes made out of these animals, which I would have tried, but it appears it is closed indefinitely.

In reality, the farm is in a sorry state of disrepair. out of the whole bask* of crocodiles, only 2 large ones and 5-6 small ones remain, in some half-demolished cages of concrete and steel wire. But while the buildings are crumbling, nature is stepping back in to reclaim its territory.
* Apparently, a group of crocodiles on land is called a Bask (most probably from basking in the sun). If they're in the water, it's called a Float (d'uh!). Since these ones have not seen a proper pond in ages, I'm going with the land version. Oh, and when alligators get together it's called a Congregation...probably to convert the crocodiles to aligatorism or something :)

A walk through the farm costs 1000 FCFA(~1.5 EUR), if you can find anybody at home to let you in. But I warn you, it is not for those weak of heart or those who have even the mildest reptile phobia, since you might be unpleasantly surprised by 1 meter long lizards jumping from the trees(!) and running (thankfully not towards but ) away from you.

<< Ziguinchor, Senegal [EN]Vesnicele plaiuri ale vanatorii pentru taxiuri/ Senegal, where taxis come after dying >>

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