Wednesday, July 19, 2017

Vesnicele plaiuri ale vanatorii pentru taxiuri/ Senegal, where taxis come after dying

<< Ferma cu crocodili din Djibelor/ The Djibelor Crocodile Farm Tuica de mango >>
Daca ati citit din operele lui Karl May sau cunoasteti cat de cat din cultura indienilor americani, stiti ca vesnicele plaiuri ale vanatorii sunt un fel de rai unde indienii credeau ca vor ajunge dupa moarte si vor petrece tot timpul pe campii vanand bizoni si caprioare.
Ei, cam asta se intampla cu taxiurile cand se pregatesc sa isi dea ultima scanteie din bujii...ajung pe strazile din Senegal unde isi petrec eternitatea vanand clienti. Si cand zic eternitate nu exagerez foarte mult. Majoritatea masinilor par sa fie din anii 70-80, fara bord/lumini/incuietori/orice functionale.

Taxiurile senegaleze au un aspect uniform, vopsite in galben cu aripile negre. Flota de taxiuri se compune in general din:
- Renault 21
- Peugeot 309
- Citroen BX
- Toyota Corolla
- nelipsita Dacia Logan, uneori sub marca Renault

Toate masinile arata de parca ar fi fost facute in anii 70, insa de mana, cu pila si ciocanul, nu in fabrica pe linia de asamblare. Zici ca au fost facute de baiatul asta. Au tabla ondulata, batuta, indoita, parbrizul spart(fara exceptie!), farurile nefunctionale, bordul complet nefunctional (am vazut kilometraj/turometru mergand la mai putin de jumatate din taxiuri), oglinzi sparte si lipsa, manere rupte, amortizoare care nu amortizeaza, tapiteria mancata de ( zice lei si hiene, la cum arata, dar doar de) molii si de timp, arcuri lasate la scaune si tot ce va puteti inchipui mai rau la o masina. Bag mana in foc ca niciun taxi senegalez nu ar trece ITP-ul intr-o tara mai organizata.
Starea masinilor se datoreaza (cel putin in Ziguinchor) si drumurilor, care au mai multe cratere decat asfalt.

Si totusi functioneaza. Soferii le spala regulat, probabil le repara des, pe metoda "Dacia"- cu sarma, si ies cu ele la vanatoare de clienti. Pentru exact asta fac, te vaneaza. Toate taxiurile care trec pe langa tine dau flashuri, claxoane si te striga sau te "psss"-ie din mers. Acum inteleg cum se simt fetele agasate de soferi. Este absolut exasperant sa fii strigat si claxonat de absolut fiecare masina galbena care trece pe langa tine.

Daca decizi sa iti iei viata in maini si sa te urgi intr-un taxi senegalez, in mod normal nu platesti mult. Nu exista aparat de taxat, dar exista reguli. Cum ar fi: daca esti alb, iti cer din start dublu, daca ai noroc. Daca nu, triplu :)) In Ziguinchor orice cursa este 500 F, tarif fix (cam 3.5 lei). In Dakar pretul se negociaza la pornire, cam intre 500 si 2500 F. Este recomandat sa afli din timp cam care este tariful normal pentru distanta pe care vrei sa o parcurgi, pentru ca intotdeauna ti se va cere mult mai mult la inceput, si trebuie sa negociezi mai tare decat in bazar in Istanbul ca sa ajungi la un tarif decent.
(poze mai jos)
If you've read some of Karl May's works, or are a bit familiar with the Native American culture, you know that the Happy Hunting Ground is a sort of heaven where american Indians thought they would end up after death and they will spend their time hunting deer and buffalo.
Well, this is exactly what happens when taxis prepare for their final spark-ignition...they end up on the streets of Senegal where they spent their eternity hunting for clients. And I do not exaggerate with "eternity". Most of the cars look like they were manufactured 40-50 years ago, without working lights/windows/locks/anything.

Senegalese taxis all look alike: yellow with black fenders. The most frequent are
- Renault 21
- Peugeot 309
- Citroen BX
- Toyota Corolla
- the ever-present Dacia Logan, sometimes under the Renault brand

All cars look like they were build in the 70's, not on the assembly line, but rather manually, with a hammer and file. They probably were inspired by this guy. The sides are wobbly, dented and beated, the windshield cracked (no exceptions), the dashboard dead (I've seen woring km counters on less than half of the taxis), broken or missing mirrors (who needs to look behind, right?), broken handles, dampeners that don't dampen, upholstery eaten by (by the looks of it, lions and hyenas, but only by) moths and the passage of time, un-springy car springs and everything you would expect ffrom a car you would consider dead and unusable. I would guarantee that no Senegalese taxi could pass a technical inspection in another - more organised - country.
The state of the roads is also a contributing factor for the damage to the cars - in some regions, a tank would me more useful than a yellow sedan.

And still they work. The drivers wash them regularly (that can help only so much), they probably repair them often, using the "Dacia" method -with a bit of wire, and go out hunting for lients. Because that's exactly what they do, they hunt you down. All taxis taht pass by you will flash you, honk you, shout out to you or, the most effective one, will "psst" you. Now I understand how girls feel when they are harassed by drivers. It is absolutely annoying to be honked by every yellow car that passes by.

If you decide to take your life in your own hands and get in a local taxi, normally you will not pay much. There are no meters, but there are rules. And the first rule is: if you're a foreigner, you get asked for double the normal fair, if you;re lucky. If not, triple :)). In Ziguinchor there's a fixed fee of 500F/trip (roughly 70c). In Dakar, you have to negotiate the price, ideally before you get in. It's somewhere between 500 and 2500 F. I recommend you ask some locals how much the taxi should cost for the trip you intend to take, because they will always ask for more and you need to negotiate harder that in the Istanbul bazaar to get to a decent tariff

<< Ferma cu crocodili din Djibelor/ The Djibelor Crocodile FarmTuica de mango >>
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Tuesday, July 18, 2017

Ferma cu crocodili din Djibelor/ The Djibelor Crocodile Farm

<< Ziguinchor, Senegal [EN] Vesnicele plaiuri ale vanatorii pentru taxiuri/ Senegal, where taxis come after dying >>
Da, e o ferma cu si de crocodili. Adica se inmultesc, cresc mari si ajung ori batrani...ori friptura + posete.

La aproximativ 5 km de Ziguinchor se afla o proprietate privata apartinand unui mosneag francez care pe vremuri se lauda cu multe specii de crocodili,  broaste testoase, soparle , serpi, pesti si pasari tropicale. Cica ar fi avut si un leu si cateva feline mari, dar au disparut pentru ca erau foarte periculoase. In total sute de animale. Atat de multe incat nu mai asteptau ora mese si se mai mancau intre ele. Dar asa-i in natura, chiar daca e privata :) De asemenea, exista un restaurant unde se serveau preparate din unele animale mentionate mai sus. As fi incercat, dar se pare ca este inchis pe perioada nedeterminata.

In realitate, tot ce a fost odata acum este in paragina. Din turma* de crocodili mai exista 2 mari si vreo 5-6 mici care isi duc veacul in niste tarcuri de sarma si beton. Ferma in sine este in stare avansata de degradare, insa este napadita de vegetatie, natura reintrandu-si in drepturi.
*vedeti in engleza mai jos denumirile interesante pentru "turma"

O plimbare prin ferma costa 1000 FCFA (aprox 6 lei), daca gasesti pe cineva acasa. Vizita nu este recomandata pentru cei mai speriosi sau care au fobie de reptile, pentru ca din cand in cand mai sar soparle de ~1 metru din copaci(!) si o iau la fuga prin iarba.
(poze mai jos)
Yes, it is a farm of and with crocodiles. Meaning they breed, grow up and grow old...or end up as steak + purses.

At approximately 5 kilometers from Zigunchor there is a large private property which belongs to an old Frenchman. Some time ago, it boasted many species of crocodiles, tortoises, lizards, snakes and tropical birds and fish. They even had a lion and some other big cats, but they disappeared because they were dangerous. Hundreds of animals in total. So many that they would sometime not wait for feeding time and just eat each other. But that's nature's way, even in a private property.
There was even a restaurant where they would serve dishes made out of these animals, which I would have tried, but it appears it is closed indefinitely.

In reality, the farm is in a sorry state of disrepair. out of the whole bask* of crocodiles, only 2 large ones and 5-6 small ones remain, in some half-demolished cages of concrete and steel wire. But while the buildings are crumbling, nature is stepping back in to reclaim its territory.
* Apparently, a group of crocodiles on land is called a Bask (most probably from basking in the sun). If they're in the water, it's called a Float (d'uh!). Since these ones have not seen a proper pond in ages, I'm going with the land version. Oh, and when alligators get together it's called a Congregation...probably to convert the crocodiles to aligatorism or something :)

A walk through the farm costs 1000 FCFA(~1.5 EUR), if you can find anybody at home to let you in. But I warn you, it is not for those weak of heart or those who have even the mildest reptile phobia, since you might be unpleasantly surprised by 1 meter long lizards jumping from the trees(!) and running (thankfully not towards but ) away from you.

<< Ziguinchor, Senegal [EN]Vesnicele plaiuri ale vanatorii pentru taxiuri/ Senegal, where taxis come after dying >>
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