Wednesday, April 19, 2017

Pregatiri pentru plecare \ Preparations

<< Plec in Africa / I'm going to Africa Calatoria spre Senegal / The trip to Senegal >>

1. Formalitati legale

Cetățenii români / UE posesori ai unui pașaport valabil, nu au nevoie de viză pentru a intra pe teritoriul Senegalului, pentru un sejur mai scurtde 90 de zile. Asta e bine, va astept la mine in vizita.

Mai multe detalii gasiti la :

2. Formalitati sanitare

Singurul vaccin cu adevarat obligatoriu este cel impotriva febrei galbene. Se numeste STAMARIL si se gaseste la toate centrele de epidemiologie din Bucuresti. 
Am vrut sa il fac la Regina Maria, unde sunt acum abonat, dar deoarece am facut programare online la ei si nu m-a sunat nimeni timp de o saptamana (desi termenul este de 24 de ore - lucratoare, dar nu se specifica nicaieri), am ales sa ascult sfatul unei coleg si sa merg la Institutul Victor Babes. A mers super repede: programarea a fost de pe o zi pe alta, costul total a fost de 300 RON: 150 consultul si 150 vaccinul. Chiar mai ieftin decat la celelate clinici, unde doar vaccinul ar fi costat ~250 RON.

Ca reactii la vaccin am avut febra si dureri musulare care au debutat la 3 zile dupa injectie si m-au tinut 2 zile, apoi au disparut, netratate.

Alte proceduri recomandate, dar nu obligatorii, sunt:
  • vaccinuri contra Hepatitei A si Hepatitei B
  • vaccin contra febrei tifoide
  • tratament preventiv contra malariei - nu garanteaza rezultate

Mai multe detalii gasiti la

3. Drum

In mod normal un zbor dus-intors Bucuresti-Dakar ar trebui sa coste aprox. 500EUR/persoana. Zborul meu initial va costa ceva mai mult datorita celor 2 bagaje de cala in care imi voi cara tot calabalacul pentru o perioada nedeterminata. Zborul va ruta 13 ore, cu o escala de 5 ore in Paris. Erau mai multe optiuni disponibile, de la 12 la 24 de ore, cu escale in principal in Franta sau Italia.

De la Dakar la Ziguinchor se poate ajunge:
- cu feribotul  - dureaza aproximativ 16 ore
- cu masina - pe autostraga TransGambiana: 450 km. Exista si autobuze pe ruta aceasta.
- cu avionul - exista un zbor zilnic, dar la care nu se pot cumpara bilete online, intrucat este operat de o companie mica locala.

4. Cazare

Voi sta in Ziguinchir, care este al 7-lea oras ca marime din Senegal. Nu exista conceptul de bloc, este plin de case. De altfel, nu prea exista nici conceptul de sosea, intrucat in cartierul unde este sediul firmei exista un singur drum asfaltat :)

Inca nu am stabilit exact unde voi sta, insa iata cum arata unele case de acolo:


1. Legal issues

EU/Romanian citizens do not need a visa to travel to Senegal for trips shorter than 90 days. That's perfect, I'll be waiting for you to visit me

You can find more details at:

2. Health Issues

The only compulsory vaccine is the one against Yellow Fever. It is called Stamaril and you can find it in all epidemiological clinics in Bucharest
I wanted to do it at Regina Maria, but I made an online appointment and they never called me back to confirm - although they claim their response time is maximum 24 (working) hours.
So I decided to listen to a friend's advice and went to the Victor Babes Institute where it all went smoothly. They booked me in for the next day, and the total cost was 300 ROn (150 the consult and 150 the vaccine). I actually ended up spending less money, considering at Regina Maria only the vaccine was 250 RON

As a reaction to the vaccine I got some muscle aches and a fever, which started 3 days after the inoculation and subsided 2 days afterwards, without any treatment.

Other recommended (but not compulsory) procedures are:
  • vacines aginst Hep A and Hep B
  • vaccine aginst typhoid fever
  • treatment against malaria - this is not guaranteed to work

3. The trip

Normally, a return flight Bucharest-Dakar should cost roughly 500 EUR. My initial flight will cost slightly more beucause of the 2 check-in bags where I will carry all my stuff. The trip lasts about 13 hours, with a 5 hour layover in Paris. There were several other options available, ranging from 12 to 24 hours, with layovers mainly in France or Italy.

From  Dakar to Ziguinchor you can go by:
- boat - a 16 hour-long tri
- car - using the TransGambian Highway, the 450 km can take up an entire day. There are also regular buses using this route. 
- plane -  there is a daily flight, but it is operated by a small local airline, so you cannot realy buy tickets online.

4. Accomodation

I'll be living in Ziguinchor, which is the 7th largest city in Senegal. All ou can see are houses, there are no blocks of flats like you see in Romania. However, there are also hardly any roads - the neighborhood where my company's address is has only one road with asphalt, the rest are earth and dust :)

We have not established exactly where I will live, but hese is how some of the local houses look like:

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